The Liebster Award


Shout out to my friend Unnati for nominating me for this one. Do check out her beautiful blog – Stories from my diary

So let’s get started. Here are 11 facts about me

1. I’m allergic to brown rice and idiocy in general.
2. I hate strawberries with a vengeance.
3. Not particularly religious except during exam season. Then I can be found wearing religious bands on both wrists.
4. I have a tendency of being pessimistic most of the times.
5. Uncanny ability to twist my ankles with each step I take.
6. Very superstitious. I enter rooms only with my right foot. Don’t ask the reason. There isn’t any.
7. I am a claustrophobe doomed with a life revolving around public transport.
8. Plans to go to Paris someday. Yeah, we all are allowed mush and fluff every now and then.  😂
9. I harbour a disturbing obsession with Hugh Laurie and every frame that features him.  💗💗
10. A proud Pluviophile.  😁
11. I watch tennis only for Rafael Nadal

Here are the questions that were asked from me-

1. Who are you ? ( In one sentence only)
I am that night sky overflowing with stars and dreams.

2.If you could start over, what would you change?
I’d definitely stop my parents from getting me the infamous “boy-cut” that will continue to haunt me till my deathbed. 😩

3. What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I have never had a fracture in my 19 year old life riddled with accidents and bike crashes and broken swing sets. I think it is surprising, maybe?

4. If given a chance to be invisible , what would you do ?
Well lets just say some people are in for a nasty surprise.  😂😂

5. What is happiness for you ?
Poetry. Good conversations. Monsoon. Chocolate donuts.

6. Your inspiration and why so ?
Hugh Laurie is the source of my cynicism and disgust for fellow earthlings. He inspires me to be at peace with this chaotic universe. Though I’m pretty sure I’m not doing a good job at that.  😒

7. Your favourite song ?
Demons by Imagine Dragons 💞

8. If given a chance to go on a date with a celebrity , who would that be ?
I’ll like to have Hugh Laurie, Tom Cruise, Omar Borkan Al-Gala and Jim Carrey please? Thank you.

9. Are you happy with your life ?
My foetal life was happy.

10. What is the biggest achievement of your life till now ?
I’m the sperm that made it. ‘Nuff said.

11. Who came first , the egg or the chicken ? Explain the reason.
It has scientifically been proven that the chicken came first. I don’t seem to remember the how and why. But chicken it is.  🐤🐓

This was real fun. And now, I further nominate a few bloggers for the liebster award , hope they will find it interesting. 😍

I’d like to ask the same questions because I found these really quirky and fun. So the bloggers are –
Body Electric
Life as a bipolar artist
Paperbacks for life

20 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

      1. I am gonna publish my leibster award thing later when I’ve written it, but have put a shout out/blog link on my latest post for you 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Aarooshi,
    Thanks for the likes and follow. Much appreciated. Also love your answers to these questions – just terrific! Even your pessimism is fresh and enjoyable. Happy writing and pessimizing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations and thanks for the nomination! I’ll definitely have fun answering these questions, and I loved reading your answers. I used to love watching Hugh Laurie on “A Bit of Fry and Laurie” but haven’t had a chance to watch him more on other shows. You’ve reminded me to do so. Thanks again! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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