For Orlando


If I say “I support homosexuality and gender fluidity”
Or “The world is not a binary arrangement of sexes”
Or even “I believe that love transcends our pathetic ties and boundaries”
It won’t lessen the pain that you have caused.

For every time you buy Her Pink and Him Blue, you propagate a figment of your paranoia
Every time you snigger at the ‘sensitive’ man and call him “faggot” and “homo”; multiple dominoes topple in the distance
Every time you spray paint Dyke on that girl’s locker, several other girls add a padlock more to their closet doors.

Every time you attack my “colourful” and “rainbowed” brothers and sisters, I feel attacked myself as a human
If this isn’t your form of cannibalism, then what is?
Don’t you dare give me your Biblical jargon and your holy discourse
That the Lord made us in a perfect cast, and any deviation is a horrific sin.

You who smear coal on their faces, and rip their clothes apart
You who rape them as an antidote to their perverseness
You who cat-call them at every street corner
You who bludgeon them mentally,
You with the bloodied hands and the besmirched hearts.

You who make my sky a little blacker everytime I look up
You who make my blood cold, and my evenings colder
You who stop us from expressing our solidarity, our support for a cause

My mother who laughs ever-so-softly everytime a homosexual character lights up the celluloid
(I block my ears to drown out that hint of condescension)
My best friend whose “That’s so gay!” remark is now a running joke,
Eliciting shoulder pats and appreciative smiles
(I don’t react. I don’t know how to)
My colleague who can’t help but declare emphatically,
That women with short hair are 100% “into women”
(I would be lying if I say my hairdresser doesn’t receive strict orders to maintain an “appropriate” length)

I feel attacked as a human,
But I sit here,
Stewing in hypocrisy.
No lesser a criminal than you,
You with this homophobia;
And I with this dormancy.

Dante said “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis”
But if this world that I live in isn’t Inferno,
Then what is?

– A

31 thoughts on “For Orlando

  1. I support Humanity… I don’t think I have the right to comment on anyone’s personal choices about their sexuality.. I would be a fool to do so… with all my heart and support for LGBT community… Peace..

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Good questions. I am sorry but in this world, in this society tolerance will never be reach. It is a sad truth and not even a revolution will do anything good. Re-volution, it will happen again and again and again. A never ending circle

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Well written, very good points. 😊. And yes the so called righteous who claim they have their fingers on the pulse of God do make an inferno that consumes love and hope for the word humanity to mean what it’s meant to πŸ˜”

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    1. I was reading some cantos of Inferno the other day, and then came the news of Orlando shooting. I just couldn’t process anything. Suddenly Inferno seemed like a better option than the world I’m doomed to inhabit.

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  3. Mhm! Powerful. I have 5 year old son and 3 year old son. We bought them balls to play with. The only two color choices were pink and red. They didn’t want the same color. My five year old chose the pink one because the 3 year old Was h*** Bent on red. He bit the bullet knowing his favorite color is red. Did we get mad? No! What for. It takes a real man to embrace themselves. When we bought them water guns and there was this stupid gender stipulation AGAIN the choices were pink and blue. When my 3 year old grabbed blue, my 5 year old grabbed pink. Why? Because he’d rather get pink then fight over who’s is whos. Gawd I love that boy for that. This may not match your message, but I is a great shame that kids these days are made to feel bad about themselves and who they are. Makes me want to home school more and more everyday. Their at boys in this world who at empathetic and sensitive. When they go to school it gets. Beaten, or taunted out of them. Is this fair? NO! She I society doing to us? πŸ˜•

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    1. Your boys are so mature, I’ll start fawning any moment. I’ll say you have raised them well. Assigning colours to a particular gender is a very regressive and orthodox move on our parts. Hot wheels for boys, barbies for girls. Heck no.
      If a girl has “manly” tastes, she’s ostracized and given names like a “tomboy” or a “butch”. This breeds homophobia in my opinion. When you raise children to believe that societal norms are ironclad and MUST NOT be transgressed, they begin to think its OKAY to mock someone for their choices. It’s not. It never is.
      Thank you for sharing your experiences. Means a lot. πŸ’•

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      1. Exactly. I hated barbies myself growing up. I wanted hit wheels and it may have bothered mom, but I got grief for being a tomboy. I was a proud tomboy. But bevause of the ways dad taught me, I never saw that as a weakness. Only now, do I realize the term tomboy was supposed to be hurtful.

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      2. The same happened to me. Kite flying, soccer, cricket with neighbourhood kids, giving precedence to shorts and tees as opposed to dresses and other “feminine” attires and basically being a motor mouth. Girls have traditionally been taught to be shy, submissive and docile.
        I don’t give two hoots to these traditions though. Restrictive measures don’t have to be carried forward like some sort of a sick legacy.

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      3. My mom came from a generation of woman like that. She sewed, crocheted even wished I would. After so many attempts at trying to get me to wear dresses she gave up. I couldn’t help but me my dad’s little grease monkey while he souped up his 57’chevy or build treehouses with my brothers. Build dirt roads and neigbmgborhoods for our hot wheel cars. I loved it. Mom used to get upset. But as I grew she made comments like, “out of all my kids, your the only one who grew up with a backbone.” 😍 so at the same time that same gender discriminatory mentality is what created my strength. It is why I am who I am. It is rarebthat I meet other woman who had that same empowerment. Kinda cool. What was your fave. Passtime

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